1. Mindy McGinnis
Earlier this year, I read and absolutely loved Mindy’s The Female of the Species, a young adult contemporary novel that tackles the issue of rape culture. Based on my experience with this book, I definitely want to read more of her work. She writes in various genres, which is another thing that intrigues me about her as an author. I own two of her books: Not a Drop to Drink and A Madness so Discreet. Both, I believe, are dystopian YA novels and I cannot wait to give them a go.
2. Neil Gaiman
I am truly ashamed that so far I have only read one book by Neil Gaiman – Coraline. I keep hearing people rave about his books all the time and I just want to know what it’s all about. The books that I am most likely to pick up by him are American Gods and Norse Mythology.
3. Fyodor Dostoyevky
For all of my love of Russian classics, so far I’ve only read one novel by Dostoyevksy (Crime and Punishment) and one short story. I recall at one point picking up another of his novels and setting it aside. I think I am now ready to read more of his work. I have both The Idiot and The Brothers Karamazov on my shelf. One of these will be read this year.
4. Vladimir Nabokov
I read Nabokov’s scandalous Lolita over 15 years ago, and then finally picked up another of his novels in December of last year. Reading his Mary made me fall in love with his prose, and I cannot wait to read more of his work, perhaps Camera Obscura or The Gift.
5. Elif Shafak
Elif Shafak stole my heart after I read The Bastard of Istanbul. Her characters are interesting and complex. Her prose is engaging and colorful. And she is not afraid to tackle difficult issues. I own two more of her books: The Forty Rules of Love and The Architect’s Apprentice. I definitely want to read one of them soon.
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