Tuesday, September 29, 2020

"The Girl of Hawthorn and Glass" by Adan Jerreat-Poole

This is a new YA fantasy novel. Eli is a witch assassin who is sent by the Coven to the human world to kill ghosts. Witches in this world live in a parallel reality of sorts - it was never precisely explained where their realm is, but getting there is complicated and includes going through some sort of vortex. One day, Eli follows the mark but something goes horribly wrong and she realizes that instead of a ghost, she killed a human. The story takes off from there. Eli makes new friends in the human world and begins unraveling the secrets of her own reality.

This book definitely had a lot of potential. However, my main problem with it was the writing. I felt like the author never fleshed out the world or the characters. Lots of things remained vague throughout the book which was super-confusing and distracting. It gave the impression of being a rough draft rather than a finished novel. Perhaps it's just the author's style, but I don't think it is for me. It is a fairly short book though so I ended up just powering through the last 40% or so. Had it been longer, I would have definitely DNF'ed it. I gave it 2.5 out of 5 stars. An interesting premise, poor execution. I will not be reading the sequel.

An e-ARC was provided by NetGalley.com

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