Sunday, March 8, 2015

"The Rosie Effect" by Graeme Simsion

This is a sequel to the popular The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. I have a review of the first novel here. The sequel was available at my local library so I decided to check it out. The Rosie Effect is a definite step down from the first novel which was not great but did have its moments. In the sequel, we follow Don and Rosie as they get ready to become parents. The novel does have quite a few funny moments, but I was really disappointed in the characters. Don, who by all accounts is smitten with Rosie, acts quite aloof and spends most of his time on his own or with his buddies. He also gets into a ridiculous situation that leads to trouble with police which I found completely unbelievable. Rosie who was really level-headed and mature in the first novel makes decisions which I found quite atypical of her character. It was also annoying that the two basically stop communicating right after Rosie gets pregnant and do not resolve accumulated misunderstandings until the very end. So the bottom line for me is I would not buy this book, and even though some parts of the story were quite entertaining, overall I thought the book was just trying to capitalize on the success of the first novel. I rated it 3 out of 5 stars on Goodreads.

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