Monday, November 17, 2014

"The 5th Wave" by Rick Yancey

I read this book last month, but just have not gotten around to posting a review. Also, I was hoping to read the second book in the trilogy (The Infinite Sea) and do a joint review of both books. However, I am waiting for the sequel to become available at my local library and feel like I need to review the first book while it is still fresh in my mind. Overall, I would rate The 5th Wave four out of five stars. This book is very popular and a lot of people like it very much. The only reason I am not giving it 5 stars is because it starts out really slow. Things start moving along only once you get past the first 150 pages or so. I also could not shake the feeling that the premise of the story was very similar to The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I am not sure if anyone else felt that way, but the whole concept of aliens taking over human bodies felt eerily familiar. This feeling did go away once I got past the slow start and the story picked up the pace. I thought the plot was very original and I liked how Yancey keeps you guessing about who the bad guys are throughout the book. If you like sci-fi and aliens, definitely check this one out. I personally do not read many books about alien invasions and I thought the plot was a bit darker than some other sci-fi novels. I am looking forward to reading the sequel and will post a review of it as well.

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