Wednesday, May 7, 2014

So Many Books So Little Time....

I just saw online that close to 300,000 new books are published in the United States every year. WOW! I hope someone is reading them! I wonder what happens to all these books in a generation or two. Will our great-grandchildren read Twilight and Harry Potter, or will those books be a distant memory like The Three Musketeers and Oliver Twist?

There is something enigmatic about discovering a gem of a book that was written many years ago and then was left forgotten in a grandmother's attic. I saw a Guardian article this morning about 10 of such books that the author recommends looking up: I scrolled down through the titles and have to admit that from that list I have heard of only three of the authors (Tyler, Goncharov and Goethe) and one of the novels (Oblomov), but have never read any of them. So if you are looking for something off the beaten path, you have ten books to start from.

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