Ruthless Gods is the sequel to Wicked Saints, a dark YA fantasy novel that I reviewed last month. In this second installment we follow the same characters as they deal with the aftermath of the events transpired in Book 1. Without spoiling the plot, I must say I liked the second book a bit better than the first. It somehow grabbed me from the get go and there was no struggle getting into the book which I experienced with Wicked Saints.
If it's been awhile since your read book 1, you might need to refresh your memory before getting into book 2. The author does not really give an overview of what happened. Since the aftermath is not what our characters expected, all three: Serefin, Nadya and Malachiacz are desperately trying to figure out what is going on. The suspense of the unknown definitely kept me interested. I also must say this book is even darker than the first one. There is much more blood, more monsters, and a lot of strange and unexpected things. There is also the good old back-stabbing and betraying each other among the characters. If you don't like dark fantasy, I would pass this one. Overall, a solid second book. 4 out of 5 stars. I will definitely be picking up the finale.
If it's been awhile since your read book 1, you might need to refresh your memory before getting into book 2. The author does not really give an overview of what happened. Since the aftermath is not what our characters expected, all three: Serefin, Nadya and Malachiacz are desperately trying to figure out what is going on. The suspense of the unknown definitely kept me interested. I also must say this book is even darker than the first one. There is much more blood, more monsters, and a lot of strange and unexpected things. There is also the good old back-stabbing and betraying each other among the characters. If you don't like dark fantasy, I would pass this one. Overall, a solid second book. 4 out of 5 stars. I will definitely be picking up the finale.
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