Overall, I think the book would appeal to readers who like post-apocalyptic settings, strong female warrior characters and Native American mythology. Personally, I enjoy all three so in many ways this was a great book for me. It is on a shorter side, action-packed and not overwhelming with world building. In fact, I thought the author did a great job gradually introducing the backstory and history of the world without inundating the reader with information.
This book is quite violent with multiple descriptions of fights and killing. So if this is something you try to avoid in books, this one is probably not for you. I loved the magic in this novel. The premise for the novel is that Navajo gods and monsters have left the spirit world and now walk the earth. To counteract their powers, some humans have received "clan powers," i.e. supernatural abilities specific to their clan. Our main character Maggie, for example, is super fast and is great at killing monsters. The one thing I thought would be helpful is a glossary of Navajo words used throughout the book.
In addition to the main character, I also really like the Coyote or the trickster. In some ways, he reminds me of Loki. I did not love the ending of the book. Without spoiling anything, one of the so called plot twists just seemed way too predictable to me. But overall, still a very enjoyable read. 4 out of 5 stars. I do already have book 2 and will probably read it next month if not earlier.
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