In the beginning of the novel we meet Naomi Powell, one of the most successful female entrepreneurs under 30. She is about to attend a funeral of her lover, who she discovered from the obituary, was married. The first question that comes to mind is why would she even go to the funeral? She only dated him for three months and she now knows he is married.... Well, she goes into the church, gets some accusing stares from the audience (the questions is why? Is the fact that she was his mistress stamped all over her face??), then decides to go for a stroll in the Central Park. Guess what happens next? Not only does she run into her late lover's wife, she also meets his other mistress and the three of them decide to become friends! If you do not think this is ridiculous enough, it gets even better from there.
Needless to say, I felt mostly irritated while reading this book. 2 out of 5 stars.
An e-ARC was provided to me for review by NetGalley.com.
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