This book was the first of Dean Koontz' novels I've ever read. His writing is beautiful. I could read it forever. The book was also quite spooky. So if you like ghost stories, mysterious visions, etc, this book is definitely for you. The plot also has an unexpected twist after you get through about 2/3 of the book. I completely did not see it coming. I also found the twist a bit disappointing (those who read the book will know what I mean). Bibi's story was very nicely wrapped up at the end, although I did feel that the final part of the book was unnecessarily long and dragged out, and the ending was too neat for my taste. This book is also perfect for book lovers. Since Bibi is a writer, there are lots of literary references, and I enjoyed them immensely. Overall, I enjoyed the book and if you like suspense and thrillers, definitely check it out. I read an electronic advanced copy of the novel sent to me by NetGalley.com.