I had seen these books around bookstores for quite some time and was always curious about them. However, I never hear anyone talk about them and overall there is no hype surrounding this two-book fantasy series. I finally picked up Eon - the first book in the duology - last month, and literally flew through it.

My only issue with Eon was the pacing of the narrative. Some sections were written almost in slow motion, where literally several pages described actions or a conversation that only took a few seconds. Some of the detailed descriptions I thought were unnecessary, especially in a book that is over 500 pages. After thinking about this some more I decided that perhaps Goodman was just trying to show how overwhelmed this young girl is when she is thrown into a palace life. She continues to move at a slower pace of a commoner even though events swirl and rush on around her.
Eona on the other hand was fast-paced from start to finish. In this book, the main character is much more in tune with her position of power. There is still a lot she needs to learn but the difference between her in this book and the previous one is undeniable. This book also has a bit of romance in it. At first I did not like the love triangle, if you can call it that. It was more about trying to seduce her with power and keep her from fulfilling her destiny and doing what is right. It was also pretty clear who Eona would choose in the end. The plot has endless twists and the second half of the book is filled with lies and betrayals that keep readers on their toes.
To sum up, I really enjoyed the first book, but the sequel was even better. I am glad I finally read this duology and I highly recommend it to all fantasy lovers.